Christian Harms

Starting in the late eighties with basic on some home computers, my first real programming experience was with turbo pascal 3.x in my commodore pc 1 (XT with 4.77 MHz, no hard disc). I was many years loyal to the great language and the bordland tools was fine. The last project can be found on some old ftp servers: an turbo pascal/assember advancement of the modeX with the tweak vga library xlib.

In my study there was modula 2 just finger exercise (with my pascal knowhow) and I found more interessing languages like lisp and perl, but everyone want to code in C/C++ or java. Today there are javascript and python ... and the daily business on my company with large scaled systems and linux, mysql, memcached, apache and some backend technologies.

Here on I will give some tricks and tips back to all the other people who are interessed in programming and developing his own programms, scripts or online applications. And I will use it as a playground to do some little experiments and scripts without the big project behind. My personal reason was to improve my english language ... but feel free to comment my articles or ask for more details.

If you want to contact me try to comment one article for a specific problem or generally by emailing me with wingi on