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IP address regex example - not in java

Finding an IP address in text or string with python is a simpler task than in java. Only the regex is not shorter than in the java regex example!

First an example with python: build a RegExp-Object for faster matching and than loop over the result iterator.

  1. import re
  2. logText =  'asdfesgewg alkejo 234 oij8982jldkja.lkjwech . kadfjeladfjeladkj'
  3. bytePattern = "([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])"
  4. regObj = re.compile("\.".join([bytePattern]*4))
  5. for match in regObj.finditer(logText):
  6.     print

A regex like /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ wont work, because there match "999.999.111.000" too. But for the usage in python - that is it! Using a regular expression is more native in python than in java. Or in javascript or in perl or Read more

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