number cruncher

Christian Harms's picture

Number crunching with javascript - a tutorial

This article will describe how to build a more complex javascript application. I chose to build a number cruncher for finding sociable numbers. There are many idle browser out there and the new Worker-thread object (available in modern browsers) offers the complete power of all cpu cores. In the first part I will describe how to inherit javascript objects with the optimization steps and discuss the usage of a profiler. The second part will improve the performance with using Web Worker in threads for greater computing power and how to handle it.


Did you heard of perfect numbers? No? A number is perfect if the number is equal to the sum all proper positive divisors. The old greek mathematics found the following examples (or try out the demo):

The 6 has as positive divisors 1, 2 and 3 and the sum is 6.Read more

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