
Christian Harms's picture

forfeit game - ALGOL 60 solution from 1964

I found two ALGOL sniplets for the forfeit game contest. My ALGOL 60 programming book (happy birthday for the ALGOL programming language) offer for every problem the question, a problem analysis, a code structure chart, the code solution and the executing time for the ZUSE 23 computer (see a very similar Z22 on wikipedia). I converted the fast solution for the game of forfeit from ALGOL to javascript without optimizations and benchmarked it.

Opera 10.63 vs. Chrome 7/8 vs. Firefox 3.6.12/4b7

I will start with the results from the converted ALGOL solution. The new javascript engine Jägermonkey with the firefox 4b7 is a real competitor for other fast javascript engines! And the ALGOL version is (mostly) better than the clean code version. The absolute numbers are generated on my own mini-pc and used for comparing with the clean code solution.

The 1:1 conversion of the ALGOL code runs on my Intel Atom N270 3.5 million times faster than on the original ZUSE Z23.Read more

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