
Nico Heid's picture

Android ViewFlipper within TabHost for Tabs with different Views ... and better memory footprint

This article is a follow up of Use Android ActivityGroup within TabHost to show different Activity. As you probably noticed or read in the comments, the provided solution in the last article was less than ideal. Even though it does work, it uses multiple activies and therefor has a bigger memory consumption than necessary.

What happens when you use ActivityGroup with Tabhost

In the previous example we had one Activiy per tab. One tab was even holding two Activies and using ActivityGroup to switch between them. That's a total of five Activites that end up on the activity stack. Also the hierarchy was more nested than needed.Read more

The improvement

Nico Heid's picture

Use Android ActivityGroup within TabHost to show different Activity


there is an updated version to this article with some improvements. please also read: Android ViewFlipper within TabHost for Tabs with different Views ... and better memory footprint.

When you're using a TabHost each tab has it's own Activity. Now image you want to change the Activity for a certain tab. If you just go on and create a new Activity and display it, your Tab Layout is no longer visible.

For that reason you need a ActivityGroup within the Tab where you want to change the Activity. Read more

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